Blueberry Pancakes with Mead

Blueberry pancakes ready


The wonderful summer berries will soon be ripe to pick and then why not have them with these delicious pancakes. Frida has added mead to the batter for sweetness, but be careful as the honey in the mead will caramelize on the hot pan. Everyone else but the Vikings might choose to sweeten the batter with modern sugar instead.



  1. Mix the three types of flour, salt and milk, then add the eggs. You'll be wanting a rather thick batter with the consistency of a runny porridge. Carefully fold in ½ cup blueberries and mead. Do not squash the berries.
  2. Place a frying pan over a fire, on the grill or use your cooker. Heat a good knob of butter until foaming. Drop a large spoonful of batter into the pan (perhaps your pan is big enough to bake 2-3 pancakes at a time) and cook. Turn over and continue cooking until golden. During the bake some of the berries might burst, but at this stage it's quite all right.
  3. Serve the pancakes with honey and extra berries.


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